
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fun in the rain!

The pictures say it all!  Maleina had a blast and all that rain fell in a matter of minutes.

Grand Master Kim

Tyler had the opportunity to belt test in front of the founder of the martial arts form called Kyukido.  He was testing for his senior blue belt which is a blue belt with a brown stripe.  In order to pass the test he had to perform all 8 forms that he has learned thus far.  The shortest form has 12 moves in it and longest form has 33 moves in it. He did very well, and I am so proud of all he has accomplished over the last 18 months.  Tyler is quite dedicated to karate and practices at the dojo 6 days each week.

The picture above is Tyler performing a backwards break fall.

Grand Master Kim writing Tyler's name in Korean on his belt.

The Edge Dance Review 2013

Maleina was in dance with her cousin, Ellie, this year.  They had a blast going to dance together.  Although if you ask Maleina, her favorite part was getting to go to Ellie's house after dance  to play.  She loves playing with Ellie.  The pictures with the gold back drop were her dance pictures.  The top one, was the day of her dance review.

Maleina was quite a character this year for her dance review.  She pulled the most funny faces and blew kisses to the audience when they were leaving the stage.  She later informed me they were only kisses for Mark and me!  I sure love that girl, she is hilarious with her antics and comments that she makes.