Life has been so hectic and crazy these past few months I never seem to have time to update my blog. Last fall was quite fun with Halloween, Tyler's Birthday, a trip to Arizona for Thanksgiving, and then Christmas of course, is always exciting.
My family came up to visit in October. We tried to get a shot of the grandchildren on my side of the family, but sometimes that just doesn't work out well. I had to post this photo it was just too cute!!

The kids had dress like a Rockstar day at school for Red Ribbon Week. I love that Tyler was trying to make a 'cool' hand sign and unintentionally was saying, "I Love You!' Shhhhhh don't tell him that. Maleina is posing as the ultimate cool girl. I didn't know what to do so just added a little bit of eye liner to their eyes and made their hair crazy. They loved it! They also got to run through the halls at school giving high fives to parents that were cheering them on. It was pretty crazy, but I think the students had a lot of fun!
For Halloween, Tyler was some kind of Phantom. He just really wanted a costume with a mask this year. I miss the old days when he liked dressing up as characters. They just grow up way too quickly! Maleina is was so excited to be a witch this year. She loved her costume! Many thanks to my friend who gave it to me, it was a huge hit!
Tyler's birthday arrived pretty quickly after Halloween. For some reason I keep thinking I have a 10 year old rather than and 11 year old. I just want time to slow down for a bit. The years keep speeding by so fast it is hard to realize that next year he will be a deacon. YIKES!!! For his cake this year, he wanted this guy called, "Slenderman." I don't know much about him, I am told to look it up online. Ya, like I have time for that! Anyway, I tried my hand at painting on fondant. He loved it and that is all that matters!

For Thanksgiving 2013, we took our FIVE kids with us down to my brother's house in Arizona for the week. It was a lot of fun visiting with them and spending Thanksgiving somewhere fairly warm. Well, at least warmer that Utah. The first couple of days, I was grateful I had long pants and a jacket. But towards the end of the week it was comfortable to be outside without a jacket. My sister-in-law and sister, took our pictures for our Christmas card while we were there. They have the most amazing parks that provide the perfect background! Many thanks to them for taking our picture!

Christmas time was HECTIC!!! Oh my goodness, I was running around daily from the time I woke up until I bedtime. It was nuts. I thought September was busy, little did I know what December would be like. We had a nice Christmas with all our kids (yes, all 5). I got some great pictures of them opening up presents, but for their privacy I am not allowed to post their pictures or their names on my blog. My parents came the Monday before Christmas and stayed until December 30. It was nice having them here and the kids loved getting to spend time with them.
(Just after reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas')
(Tyler's all about video games.)
(Maleina is hugging her new Monster High doll.)
It snowed a bit before Christmas, so during Christmas break we found some time to take the kids sledding to the most perfect hill near where we live. It is big enough to have some serious fun, but not so big that you're worn out after climbing the hill once or twice. By the time we went sledding it has turned to an ice hill and they picked up some serious speed going down. Maleina crashed her first time down and I wasn't sure if she would get back up. Thanks to my teenager offering to down with her a few times, she built her confidence back up and finally was able to go again all alone. It was a blast, and even I joined in the fun!
My new tradition that I started in 2012, was turning my Christmas Tree into a New Year's Tree. I take off all the ornaments from Christmas on December 26 and replace them with blow horns, hats, bling, noise makers, and anything party oriented. Then on the 31st of December I blow up balloons filled with a prize inside and the kids get to pop a balloon every hour starting at 8:00 pm and ending at 12:00 am. Tyler and Maleina love it! Even my nieces and nephews enjoy it. They all stayed up until midnight too!
(We missed two cute nieces in this picture)