(Twizzleberry with my kids for successful SEP conferences!!)
Mark called me and said, "Did you know that there are kids on their way to our house?"
Me, "No, you're just joking around."
Mark, "No, I'm being serious. I just got a call and they are in our driveway right now."
I turned around and went back home to an empty driveway. Mark called back the case worker and gave them our correct address.
Mark arrived home and we had a total of two minutes to prepare our children that more kids were coming to stay at our home. Just as we finished telling them what was going on, the state car pulled up with the children. Our family grew that day by six feet that day: a 17 year old boy, 10 year old and 4 year old girls.
Bewildered, I looked at Mark for an explanation while at the same time he was looking at me the same way. You see our stipulations for age ranges were 0-9 not 17! To be thrown into raising teenagers is shocking and quite a learning curve for all involved.
To make a long story short, a couple numbers in the cell number were transcribed incorrectly. Instead of calling the family that was expecting these children, they called my husband. The possibility of that occurring is slim to none. (There are not that many foster families out there.) I firmly believe these children are to be in our home with us at this time. I don't know how the end will be, but for now Mark and I will raise these wonderful children as our own. Heavenly Father definitely has his own plan for us even though it greatly differs from what I was expecting, He knows what is best for us.
To add to all this craziness, I was also on the Walk-a-Thon committee for my kids' school's fundraiser which took place in September. The committee I worked with are amazing and we pulled off a successful event! At times I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it I was so busy with our extra kids, teaching piano, maintaining a household, and the walk-a-thon. By some miracle I made it and life is slowly returning to normal.
Maleina loves jumping into hay!
Getting ready to start the corn maze!
For some fall fun, I took the girls with me to a Fall Harvest Festival. We went through a corn maze, the girls slid down a giant slide, ropes course, rode ponies, and shot a BB gun. I sure had fun with them.